Thursday, July 9, 2015

We are transparentsy

It's been over a year since our oldest child, then 15 years old, told us they didn't feel like a boy or a girl.

I'd be lying if I said we weren't anticipating some "coming out," but I think we both thought that it was going to be more "I'm gay" and not "I'm not a gender." Still, we knew some revelation was coming and it was kind of a relief to finally be able to name it.

Transgender. Non-binary. Agender. Gender neutral. Genderless. Gender fluid. Gender wild.

It's been an (interesting! amazing! enlightening! educational!) adventure, learning about the gender spectrum, gender identity and how everything I thought or assumed about gender was woefully incomplete. I've had to learn new vocabulary. I've had to adjust to new grammar rules. I've had to question and struggle and accept challenges to my inherent and unexamined beliefs about gender and how it shapes and impacts our relationships and our identities.

Parenting a trans kid means that you have the opportunity to see people as people, not restricted by the either/or of boy/girl.

It's simple but it's not exactly easy.

We're starting this blog to share our story, our struggles and to collect resources that have helped us be better parents, allies and (hopefully!) people.

Sometimes I'll post. I'm Koreen (she/her). Sometimes my husband John (he/his/him) will post. Maybe sometimes we'll invite some very special transgender parent or ally guests.

If you found this blog because you need support, we're not the only game in town! Here are some other great resources related to parenting transgender kids:

George. Jessie. Love.
Raising My Rainbow
Accepting Dad (no longer active, but a great resource)

Transgender Support Organizations:
Trans Advocacy Network (TAN)

Or drop us a line. We're happy to talk to other folks raising humans that don't happen to be CIS gender.